Archive | July, 2010

Who Wears Grey In Summer?

27 Jul

Well we do actually! And so does this cool cat (sorry wrong animal to mention on a bird blog!). Anyway this pretty Grey Catbird does and has been caught my many great photographers and some of our readers.  Here are a few of our favorite pics from this season.

Grey Catbirds are yet just another species of bird you can help to preserve by buying, drinking, or even just gifting Birds & Beans Coffee

Taxidermy anyone?

24 Jul

Ok so this is a little off topic. More than a little in fact, but stuff it! (pardon the pun). At Birds & Beans we love reading about the birds we love. We get lots of Google Alerts, tips from readers and our coffee drinking buddies. Today we stumbled into ebay, specifically the bird taxidermy page. I appreciate taxidermy very much. I love birds and other animals. It is not cruel but rather celebratory. But Ebay has got some priceless pieces that made us really laugh! Who would want to own these? Better yet who is still in this profession thinking that these look good? So I went on a hunt to see what other treasures i could find….

I have not linked the pictures and they are in a sideshow for those of you who want to completely skip this rant.

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Most importantly lets try and do our best to keep these birds alive and prosperous for as long as possible. I think it is clear that Birds & Beans, the good coffee, can help us here. Maybe not with the budgie but a few other species we love!

Good night all,

The B&B Team

Clever Eggs?

22 Jul

Weekly Competition:

Can you guess what kind of eggs these are?

One clue....They migrate to where Shade Grown Farms and Coffee makes a real difference!
Post your answers in the comments and good luck! Winner gets a free bag of coffee from Birds & Beans!

Night Rider

21 Jul

Ok, so this bird can be a bit of an aggressive bully, the Black-and-white Warbler sometimes attacks and fights the Red-breasted Nuthatch, Black-capped Chickadee, Tennessee Warbler, and other species. The Black-and-white Warbler also has an unusually long hind toe and claw on each foot allowing it to move securely on the surface of tree bark. This bird is a deep interior forest bird and one that is effected by the destruction of the Rainforest. This destruction is mostly to benefit for sun grown coffee plantations.  If your interested in really helping these beautiful creatures and drinking a wonderful brew at the same time you really should order Birds&Beans Coffee. If you live in MA, ask at your local Whole Foods also.

Our favorite fact about this beautiful guy is that he migrates at night, one smoooth rider! Remember 90% fewer bird species are found in sun-grown coffee areas compared with shade-grown coffee areas.

Sightings of this bird are becoming rarer and rarer so as always give us you sighting stories, send us pictures and we’ll do our best to share them on the blog, or on our other social media pages.

Have a wonderful night,

The B&B Team

Special thanks to the Centreville Middle School for some of the above information.