Taxidermy anyone?

24 Jul

Ok so this is a little off topic. More than a little in fact, but stuff it! (pardon the pun). At Birds & Beans we love reading about the birds we love. We get lots of Google Alerts, tips from readers and our coffee drinking buddies. Today we stumbled into ebay, specifically the bird taxidermy page. I appreciate taxidermy very much. I love birds and other animals. It is not cruel but rather celebratory. But Ebay has got some priceless pieces that made us really laugh! Who would want to own these? Better yet who is still in this profession thinking that these look good? So I went on a hunt to see what other treasures i could find….

I have not linked the pictures and they are in a sideshow for those of you who want to completely skip this rant.

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Most importantly lets try and do our best to keep these birds alive and prosperous for as long as possible. I think it is clear that Birds & Beans, the good coffee, can help us here. Maybe not with the budgie but a few other species we love!

Good night all,

The B&B Team

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